Welcome to theNeticle Bot page,

Neticle is a browser based social and online media monitoring service which is able to quantify the opinion and mood of the web around a given keyword into a single index called Web Opinion Index (usually the keyword is a brand, a product or a service).

To be able to provide a near real time service to our customers, it’s essential for us to continuously monitor newly created content on the web. To achieve this, we use a custom made crawler solution developed by our team, who did their best to create a crawler that respects the courtesy rules on the internet and doesn’t put unnecessary load on any webserver. Please, if you have any questions or you’ve seen abnormal behaviour from our crawler, don’t hesitate to contact us via the [email protected] email address. We’ll try our best to fix the issue as soon as possible.

Please note that identity theft among bots is very common on the internet. We've come across a number of occasions when other bots were using our user-agent to try to hide themselves. Unfortunately we cannot do anything about this on our end as this property is very easy to change in any crawler's code for any developer. We've also come across a website called http://stopbadbots.com that promises to have relevant data on different crawlers. Sadly this is not a curated list of bots, anyone can edit these entries, thus much of the information that can be found there is misleading, for example our IP addresses.Any IP address that does not start with 188.227 or 80.77 does not belong to us and we recommend bannig it immediately from your servers.

If you have any queries feel free to contact us.

Neticle dev team

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