The Advanced Activity Log is an add-on feature available at an additional cost. To activate it, please contact your account manager.
The Advanced Activity Log provides users with detailed audit logs to track modifications made to a survey, along with information on who made the changes and when. This feature enhances transparency and allows users to search for changes by user name, survey name, and time frame.
Actions Recorded
Logging of activities is only active once the survey has received responses.
The Advanced Activity Log captures various actions, categorized as follows:
1. Intro & Thank You Page Changes
- Modifications to the title or description of the introduction or thank you page
- Addition or removal of a disqualification page
- Example log entry:
- UserX has modified the Thank You page of the survey SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
- UserX added a disqualification page with title to survey SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
2. Question Modifications
- Adding or removing questions
- Adding options including Other and Don’t Know/Not Answering options
- Bulk option population (copy-paste or file upload)
- Example log entry:
- UserX added new Q1 Open Format question with title Example to survey SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
- UserX added 100 options to Q2 Dropdown Where are you from? question via mass population in survey SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
3. Question Order Changes
- Tracking changes in absolute position and page number
- Example log entry:
- UserX modified the position of Open Format Example question from page 2 Q4 to page 3 in SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
4. Condition Changes
- Adding, removing, or modifying conditions
- Example log entry:
- UserX modified conditions on Q4 Open Format Example in survey SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
5. Display Settings
- Adding or removing custom privacy policies
- Resetting survey results
- Example log entry:
- UserX added own privacy policy to SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
- UserX reset all results of SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
6. Analysis Settings
- Switching multilingual survey on/off
- Changing benchmark language
- Example log entry:
- UserX switched on multilingual survey setting for survey SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
7. Translation Modifications
- Only available for multilingual surveys
- Adding and removing languages
- Modifying translations
- Publishing translations
- Activating and deactivating live translations
- Example log entry:
- UserX added Spanish language to translations for survey SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
8. Survey Publish Settings
- Activating/deactivating surveys
- Adding and removing URL parameters
- Changing survey custom id
- Updating response settings (e.g., single filling, resumable filling, password protection, IP collection)
- Example log entry:
- UserX activated survey SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
- UserX changed Response limit settings of survey SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
9. Survey Tracking
- Enabling/disabling tracking tools (Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, GTM)
- Example log entry:
- UserX activated Google Analytics tracking of survey SurveyA (2024.10.14 15:50)
Activity Log Interface & Export
The Advanced Activity Log is accessible via Settings » User Activity
Users can filter audit log entries based on:
- User name
- Survey name
- Time frame
User and time filters apply to all audit logs while the survey filter only available for Advanced Audit Logs.
Exporting Logs
Users can export the activity log by clicking the Activity log export button in the upper right corner. The export is generated as an XLSX file based on the current filter settings and sent to the user’s email address.
Exported fields include:
- User
- Dataset name
- Action
- Timestamp