We automate business with our low-code text data and AI platform

Neticle Enterprise Text Analytics


We can also help to build your unique text analysis solution


“Neticle Media Intelligence shows us what the web thinks about our brand, our services, our competitors and our industry. Using Neticle we got to hear the feedback from our customers in their voice, and it allows us to see the highest priority areas for improvement in real-time.”

Ágnes Gyetvai Social Media Manager

“Great support for individual solutions and requirements. Highly accurate sentiment 
and categorization tools deliver new insights of the state of public opinion on the brand.”

Niklas Wiesauer Managing Director, Innovation & Strategy

"I appreciate our cooperation with Neticle based on two aspects: platform and team. It is a local development, so it precisely knows the uniqeness of our language compared to other algorithms. And the client support is always available and helpful to resolve our issues. Altogether, it provides valuable statistics and solutions in a short time."

Ádám Jóna Social Media Specialist

Our Values


We have been enthusiastic about transparency and openness both inward and outward from the very first moment, therefore Neticle team members are all aware of relevant business information such as revenues, plans, roadmaps and wages.


At Neticle we provide the same opportunities to all employees, evaluate them only based on their talent and diligence, and do not discriminate based on gender, age, nationality or sexual orientation. Our absolutely transparent salary system is a proof of this.


Being flexible is also one of the core values of Neticle. That means team members can work in flexible working hours, home office or part time. We believe that flexibility can support engagement and creativity.

Let's Talk

Reading about Neticle is one thing, but we know that the proof is always in the pudding. Tell us how we could help reaching your business goals. Take the first step towards data-driven decision-making!

Get in touch

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Zoltán Csikós

Co-founder & CIO zoltan.csikos@neticle.com +36 70 624 6955

Róbert Horváth

Co-founder & CTO robert.horvath@neticle.com +36 70 602 9860

Péter Szekeres

Co-founder & CEO peter.szekeres@neticle.com +36 70 701 6488

Corvin Technology & Science Park, building C5
44-46 Bókay János Str., H-1083 Budapest

Registered seat:
Apt. #2 ground floor, 28 Naphegy Street
H-1016 Budapest

Neticle Logo


Company Details

Neticle Plc.
Billing address: H-1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 28. fszt. 2
VAT number: 28996752-2-41
EU VAT number: HU28996752


Bank details:
Owner of the bank account: Neticle Plc.
Account-keeping bank: Erste Bank Hungary Zrt
EUR IBAN: HU73116000060000000199423437
HUF IBAN: HU46116000060000000199423341