How can I filter for specific source(s) only?

You can get the currently available sources by using endpoint (

You can check them in the documentation as well:

The most commonly used ones are (ID - Source):

  • 6 - Forum
  • 9 - Article
  • 14 - Facebook
    • 31 - only Facebook page posts
    • 32 - only Facebook page post comments
    • 33 - only Facebook page post comment replies
  • 18 - Twitter
  • 25 - Instagram
  • 26 - TikTok

You can have multiple sources set in a query, for example to have all Facebook and Twitter mentions, but nothing other than those for keywords ID 10001 and 10002:[keywords][0]=10001&filters[keywords][1]=10002&filters[sources][0]=14&filters[sources][0]=18