The finding speed for each mention differs based on the source type and the time of day the mention was created. On average, we find new mentions within an hour.
Premium finding speed is available behind a paywall, with multiple different options to ensure the best quality of mentions. The options are:
- Own channel based (only for own channels – these get prioritized and get mentions faster than other channels)
- Synonym based (the synonyms of the chosen keyword get prioritized and get mentions faster than other keywords)
- Comments of already crawled posts (faster than normal recognition is guaranteed)
- YouTube comments (by default, only the comments that include the synonym will be a hit and be collected for a keyword, but when this function is switched on, if the video is a hit, all its comments are collected)
- Twitter (synonym based) - only if this is switched on does the keyword get Twitter mentions that include the keyword’s synonyms. Own channel crawling is managed separately and is done by default (no payment wall is applied there).