Survey distribution is a critical aspect of the data collection process, and offers versatile options to maximize reach and engagement.

When going to the publish section of any survey, you’ll see the following settings:
- Multiple/single response collection. The Single Responses toggle is switched on by default, and it can be customized with the following settings.
- Based on Time. Using this option, you can limit responses based on time, so the survey can only be filled out by the same person once a day, once a week, once a month, once in a quarter or once in a year. Select the time interval from the dropdown which best fits your needs. The default setting is ‘no limit’.
- Based on Identifier. By default, identifies respondents by cookies. However, you can use a “Unique” type URL parameter to avoid the same respondent filling out the survey from a different device. In case no Unique URL parameters are assigned to the survey URL, only the Default (Cookie) option is available here.
- Target. The “Target” option includes the pages where disqualified respondents (who cannot continue filling out the survey due to previously set restrictions) arrive. If no disqualification page is added to the survey, the closing page will be the default. If one or more disqualification pages are available, you can choose from the dropdown where you want your respondents to be forwarded to.
- Resumable survey filling: Switch on this setting to enable respondents to continue the survey filling process where they left off. Be aware that this function is available only for surveys with at least one unique URL parameter and the 'Single Responses' setting activated. If your survey has multiple parameters, select the identifier from the dropdown. For security reasons, we recommend using IDs with random numbers and letters (UUID) as URL parameters. Avoid easily guessable or incremental values. The responsibility for choosing a secure ID lies with you.
- Partial completion: By default, saves answers on every page break (when respondents click the “Next" button during a survey) and at the moment of submission. If partial completion is enabled, the system saves every user interaction on the fly. To inform respondents, we show a mandatory notification popup and ask for consent before respondents get to the first page of the survey. The popup includes’s Privacy Policy and optionally your company’s own privacy policy if it is added in the Display settings of the survey.
- IP collection: If enabled, the IP address of the filler will be included among other metadata.
- Password: you can provide a password to the survey so only people with this password can access it. (They will have to provide it once they click the survey link or try to fill out an embedded survey.) The password can be anything you enter in the text field.
- Response limit: When activated, the survey's accessibility is constrained by the specified number of participants set here. You can also determine which disqualification page to direct individuals who exceed this limit to. If no disqualification page is added to the survey, the closing page will be the default.
- Notifications: When enabled, the survey sends notifications based on the provided settings and to the chosen email addresses. The notification can either be based on time, or all added email addresses can be sent notifications on every new answer that is collected by the survey.