To track how much of your quota you have used, go to ‘Plan Usage’ in your settings. You’ll find three sections here.
- Plan Usage tells you what plan you’re currently on, how many user seats are taken, and how many active surveys you have out of the maximum. If there is no limit set to the number of users or active surveys, the portal displays ‘Unlimited’ next to them, instead of a numeric value.
- Text Analysis Usage for your group both displays a number, such as ‘52740 out of 254099’, and a pie chart to show the used/remaining ratios. The used segment also displays the ratio of the different dataset types that you have used. Hover over the pie chart to learn more about the datasets contributing to the ratios. (If your text analysis quota is unlimited, the pie chart only displays the ratios of the different dataset types that you have used, or, if you haven’t used text analysis, it remains blank.)
- Quota usage shows the amount of records or survey responses used via progress bars, and displays the numeric values as well. If your quota is unlimited, the progress bars turn gray.
Everything displayed in the quota tracking menu is tracked automatically by the system based on the initial quota setup of the profile. These can be overridden by the superadmin of the profile in case you want to purchase more quota or change your plan.
Important note: quota is tracked by checking each cell/entry/row in every dataset that includes text/verbatim. One quota is one Excel cell of an uploaded file, social listening mention, open ended survey response or email text. In case a dataset has multiple columns with written text that the user wants analyzed, instead of the number of rows, the number of entries with written text counts as quota usage.