In some cases, automatically translating all keywords’ mentions in a profile to English can be essential to sharing the results or understanding the insights better. This is especially true in a multinational organization.

Settings to automatically translate all mentions of a profile
It is also possible to automatically translate a saved feed view’s mentions to English.

In this case, both the original and the English version will be shown in the feed view. These will be included in the connected notification emails as well.

It is also possible to only translate a couple of selected mentions, via the mentions’ menu.
As translation has a cost, each Neticle client has a default quota to be able to use this feature a couple of times. In case your needs exceed this, your Neticle client success manager will set up your paid monthly translation quota and the mentions will be translated automatically until that quota is reached. After the quota is reached, you can purchase further quota, or the mentions will not be translated until the end of that period. The quota calculation will be restarted at the beginning of the next month.