Through the manual assignment of custom labels, fine-tuning text analysis becomes possible, which leads to even more accurate results.
Categorizing verbatims automatically is one of’s greatest strengths. You can rely on our automatic topic recognition algorithms, or if you prefer to build your own categorization system, you can create Custom Labels that categorize verbatims using synonyms. However, there are cases where results need to be more precise and sophisticated. In such instances, you may need to manually fine-tune your results, or categorize verbatims under a Custom Label even if no synonym is identified. To address this need, we offer the Manual Custom Label Assignment feature, which allows you to manually add Custom Labels to verbatims without relying on synonym recognition or reanalysis.
Important Considerations
- Only Custom Labels that have already been added to your dataset are available for manual selection. These manually assigned labels will appear on the dashboard and in exports, and function just like those assigned via synonym recognition and reanalysis.
- Manually assigned Custom Labels can only be removed manually. No automated analysis will override these manual assignments, except for reanalysis that involves changing column types or header rows.
- We recommend using this assignment method for topics that cannot be adequately described using synonyms. It should be a final step in your analysis after utilizing all automatic synonym-based functionalities.
- The system will not learn from these manual assignments, and they will not influence future automated recognition. Your changes will only apply to the specific verbatim you’ve edited.
- Accessing the Functionality
- Assigning an Existing Custom Label to a Verbatim
- Assigning a Newly Created Custom Label to a Verbatim
- Assigning Custom Labels Manually in Bulk
- Creating Custom Labels without synonym directly from the CL library
- Accessing the Functionality
Manual Custom Label Assignment is available both from feed and drill-down views. Navigate to the verbatim you want to categorize, hover over the icon, and open the Custom Label (CL) assignment popup. - Assigning an Existing Custom Label to a Verbatim
You can select from the available Custom Labels. Note that only those Custom Labels will be available that are added to the dataset and aren’t already assigned to the verbatim (a CL cannot be assigned multiple times to the same verbatim).
After selecting a CL, you can define its sentiment and assign it to the verbatim.
To view the synonyms associated with the selected CL, click on the element to open the CL editor popup. - Assigning a Newly Created Custom Label to a Verbatim
If you prefer to assign a completely new Custom Label, select the “Create new Custom Label” option. You can create and assign Custom Labels with or without synonyms. However, keep in mind that Custom Labels without synonyms cannot be utilized by the automatic Custom Label recognition. This option should be used only when categorizing verbatims that cannot be categorized based on strict synonyms but rather on contextual meaning.
If you want the newly created Custom Label to be usable with automated recognition in the future, we recommend adding synonyms to it as part of its creation. But don’t worry, you can always add them later as well.
After creating your Custom Label, you can define sentiment, just as you would when selecting from existing CLs.
Manually assigned Custom Labels can be distinguished from those recognized via synonyms by their icon on the verbatim element. In all other respects, manually assigned Custom Labels function and appear on the dashboard and in exports just like those assigned via synonyms.
Keep in mind that the sentiment of manually assigned Custom Labels doesn’t affect the verbatim’s overall opinion index, as that is calculated based on recognized phrases. - Assigning Custom Labels Manually in Bulk
To assign Custom Labels to multiple verbatims simultaneously, you can select multiple verbatims using the checkbox in the top right corner of each element.
Clicking on the “Add Custom Label manually” button in the top right corner will bring up the same popup you access for individual verbatims.If you prefer to define your selection through filtering, you can use the filter bar and choose the “Select all filtered” option.
Once you’ve done that, the bulk assignment action becomes available for all the selected verbatims. However, note that if you assign a Custom Label using the option available on an individual verbatim element, it will only apply to that specific verbatim.
Important considerations for Mass Assignment
You cannot assign a Custom Label to a verbatim that already has that label. If you manually select a few verbatims and they all have a specific Custom Label assigned to them, that label will not be listed among the available CL options. However, if you select verbatims using the “Select all” or the “Select all filtered” function, the system will list all Custom Labels added to the dataset as available. In this case if you try to assign a CL already applied on a verbatim, it will be ignored (it won’t be doubly applied as that’s impossible).
While you can assign Custom Labels in bulk, they can only be removed one by one. Use this functionality only if you are confident in your selection.
5. Creating Custom Labels without synonym directly from the CL library
If you already know that certain Custom Labels will be used exclusively for manual assignment without relying on synonyms, you can create them directly from the Custom Label library. Simply click on the “Create New Custom Label” button and toggle the “Custom Label Without Synonym” option.