Routing Respondents

a) Disqualification Page

b) Redirect Respondents

a) Disqualification Page

Disqualification pages allow survey creators to manage respondents who, for various reasons, need to be disqualified during the survey process. Respondents may be disqualified for not meeting age requirements, not accepting policies, providingspecific answers to certain critical questions or not answering certain critical questions.


After you’ve added a disqualification page from the right column menu to your survey, you will have the option to set up a “Jump” condition by any question which can direct respondents to the disqualification page on certain criteria or logic. 

These scenarios can all be modeled using conditions.

  1. Select the “Jump at the end of this page” logic
  2. Select the disqualification page where the respondent should be directed to
  3. Select the question and the required answer or threshold that should trigger the action



Disqualification pages can be customized by uploading an image or logo, and adding a Title and a Description to inform survey respondents why they are being disqualified.

b) Redirect Respondents

Disqualification pages also incorporate a very special feature that lets you redirect respondents to other URLs if they are disqualified. Once the URL redirect button is switched on, the redirect URL link can be pasted into the provided field. In case the original survey has URL parameters, the option to forward these parameters to the redirect page is also available.

Please note that in case the redirect link is also a survey link, the new survey also needs to have the same URL parameters set up on the publish page in order to forward the values from the original survey.

By default, the redirect link opens in a new browser tab. In case this is changed, the survey page will refresh and the new link will load in the same browser page. Redirects can be delayed by using the “Delay before redirect” field, where the default value is 5 seconds, but that can be decreased or increased.


Read more about this feature on our blog

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