neticle Text Analysis

E-mail routing & analysis


Companies receive a lot of email at their single-point-of-contact on a daily basis. Sorting happens manually, someone has to forward each email to the right person or department. This procedure is time-consuming and repetitive.


Using Neticle’s API, incoming emails can be analyzed automatically: they are given structured metadata, like sentiment score, topic labels, categories, and emotion level. Based on these, structured rules are created, for example: if there is an email about an invoice and it has a very negative tone, it should be forwarded to the right account manager to be handled with high priority.

Implementation steps illustration
Kick-off workshop

3 hours

Kick-off workshop to understand email categories and patterns recognized by key colleagues.

Implementation steps illustration

1 week

Analysis of historical email volume to set up frequent patterns and routing rules.

Implementation steps illustration

1 week

Implementation of the rules to the default Text Analysis engine. Monthly review of the rules and email traffic to keep the routing algorithm updated.


Approximately 90% of emails are forwarded directly and in real-time to the responsible person. This reduces response time and improves client satisfaction. Based on the monthly reports provided about the received emails, new roles can be created to cover serious cases, and a support education programme can be designed based on the most frequent topics and issue types.

E-mail routing illustration
Neticle Labs

Contact Us!

1082Budapest,Leonardo da Vinci Str. 41.(II / 14.)

Registered seat:
H-1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 28. fszt. 2

If you have
business related questions:
Photo of Péter Szekeres
Péter Szekeres

Co-founder & CEO
[email protected]
+36 70 701 6488

If you have
technology related questions:
Photo of Zoltán Csikós
Zoltán Csikós

Co-founder & CIO
[email protected]
+36 70 624 6955