How Mindshare embraced social listening to seize clients' audiences
Case Study
Advertising agency Mindshare Austria offer a wide range of services to clients from across various sectors. Their business planning team has been cooperating with Neticle to provide trend & competitor analysis through real-time media monitoring and social listening to several of their clients. In this case study - after a general explanation - we also specifically highlight how these services are used at insurance company UNIQA.
"For Neticle, it is not enough to give clients some numbers. They always focus on the reasons behind the events, too, to tell us why things happened the way they did, and to give us actionable suggestions."
Niklas Wiesauer - Managing Director, Innovation & Strategy, Mindshare
In the era of adaptive, real-time marketing, simply showing what happened in the online world is not enough anymore. Mindshare needed to clearly see the reasons behind numbers, and dig down into the data in a transparent way to provide better value to their clients.
Read this social listening case study if you want to know...
- how big data can be turned into smart data in real time;
- why content you create can both be data-driven and matter to the audience;
- how agencies are able to utilise Neticle’s data with clients from many different sectors.
“Social listening gives us the advantage of being aware of online conversations that we might want to join immediately. It brings us closer to our customers & community. Neticle's analyses contain meaningful insights we can build on every time, while our input and needs are always taken care of quickly!"
Klara Trautner - Head of Communication, UNIQA