Social listening for Insurance Companies

The insurance industry has multiple challenges that Neticle can bring under control to a large extent thanks to social listening. We have been working with international insurance companies for over 10 years to help them observe and understand relevant industry shareholders in real time. Through Neticle’s AI-supported software, we have already learned a lot about the insurance industry and can therefore advise insurance companies well and professionally. 

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Some of our already satisfied clients from the sector

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We help insurance companies overcome their challenges

Our social listening tool gives insurers an insight into the opinions and mindsets of policyholders, which helps keep the churn rate low. In addition, we are happy to support insurance companies in digitization projects, such as the launch of new apps or websites, in order to take the wishes and preferences of the app/website users into account as much as possible.


We recommend using our social listening tool tailored to the insurance industry, for the following reasons:


Brand building

Maintaining your brand’s spotless reputation and constantly strengthening it is of particular interest in the insurance industry, because brand damage has far-reaching consequences. Neticle helps you keep an eye on your online brand reputation and your brand building at all times, which pays off with a loyal customer base.

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Competitor monitoring

Everybody makes mistakes! But why not learn from those of your competition instead of your own? This saves you a lot of time, money, and effort, and it can give you an edge in the highly competitive insurance industry. You can plan your digital campaigns and projects in a comprehensive manner, while keeping your competitors’ offers in mind.

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Monitoring social media can reveal where to look for potential independent insurance agents. You will see which platforms to join, who to recruit and much more. In addition, Neticle Media Intelligence uncovers what agents say about their work challenges and experiences online, including the ones with your brand or products. You can learn a lot from their opinion to prevent rapid fluctuation.

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Campaign feedback from the market

Quickly assess how your insurance marketing campaigns are being received by the market: you can easily observe what your customers think of them. This is done using our automated, artificial intelligence-based social listening software, which analyses and quantifies customer feedback and interaction with your campaign. This way, you can already see the first successes within just a few days or, in the opposite case, improve or discontinue the campaign on the go. Most importantly, you’ll be able to see a clear comparison with the performance of previous campaigns and those of other insurance providers.

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Eszköz 4

Getting to know customers’ needs and experiences

Convincing people that an insurance contract is actually beneficial for them can be tricky, you have to be aware of other products and the main arguments that work. Your potential and current customers are talking about their needs and are sharing valuable opinions through social media, review sites and application stores. By collecting these, Neticle Media Intelligence will show you how to win over your audience’s trust and stay up to date with current developments.

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Know what will convince people

A popular feature of our online media monitoring tool is topic recognition. Thanks to our extensive topic analyses, you will know what people want to hear when it comes to signing an insurance contract. We’ll show you what they think about pensions, holiday insurances or life savings. Follow the online world’s trending topics to get insights about customers’ wishes and worries, and adjust your packages and special offers suitably.

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Securing your image

From close cooperation with our customers, we know how quickly image damage can occur - and in the current digital age, faster than ever! Our social listening tool can relieve you of this worry, because in the event of an online crisis you will be informed at lightning speed via our alerting system. This means that you can quickly take countermeasures and secure your good image as a trustworthy insurance company.

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As part of a briefing, we determine all the information required to set up your social listening dashboard according to your wishes: brands, product keywords, relevant insurance topics and planned campaigns play an essential role here.



A few days later, our insurance experts can give you your personalized media monitoring profile and guide you through the individual reports and charts.



Within a week, you’ll have access to all the data you want in real time, and also to relevant reports that are tailored to the insurance market.

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Learn more about how social listening helps insurance companies

mindshare_case study
How Mindshare embraced social listening to seize clients' audiences

Case study

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Vodafone Hungary

“Neticle Media Intelligence shows us what the web thinks about our brand, our services, our competitors and our industry. Using Neticle we got to hear the feedback from our customers in their voice, and it allows us to see the highest priority areas for improvement in real-time.”

Ágnes Gyetvai Social Media Manager


“Neticle has a user-friendly interface, and the staff members are always ready to help with anything. Without a doubt, I give Neticle and the team a score of 10/10. Honestly, I would happily recommend both the team and the tool to anybody.”

Adrienn Orosz External Communication Specialist


“Great support for individual solutions and requirements. Highly accurate sentiment 
and categorization tools deliver new insights of the state of public opinion on the brand.”

Niklas Wiesauer Managing Director, Innovation & Strategy

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Reading about Neticle Media Intelligence is one thing, but we know that the proof is always in the pudding. Book a demo and one of our Insights Managers will contact you as soon as possible. Take the first step towards data-driven decision-making!

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Photo of Péter Szekeres

Péter Szekeres

Co-founder & CEO +36 70 701 6488

41 Leonardo da Vinci street ground floor
Budapest Hungary H-1082

Registered seat:
H-1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 28. fszt. 2

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Company Details

Neticle Plc.
Billing address: H-1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 28. fszt. 2
VAT number: 28996752-2-41
EU VAT number: HU28996752


Bank details:
Owner of the bank account: Neticle Plc.

Account-keeping bank: Erste Bank Hungary Zrt
EUR IBAN: HU73116000060000000199423437
HUF IBAN: HU46116000060000000199423341