Frequently Asked Questions

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Can I create a new keyword in the platform?

Our expert Analysts and Account Managers create most of the keywords based on the requests of our clients. However, as a premium client, you can have direct access to keyword creation as well.

Can I export the charts and the data?

Yes, charts or data can be exported in PNG, SVG, XLSX or CSV format. Whole reports can also be exported in PDF format. However, you don’t have to manually export them each time: different alerts and digests can be set according to your needs.

Can I give view-only permission to some of my users?

This feature is currently under development. However, those without direct access to the portal can still receive alerts and notifications.

Can I only send alerts to the users of the platform?

No, you can add any email address to the list of an alert’s recipients.

Can I set my custom dashboard?

Neticle Media Intelligence has a flexible dashboard as its data visualisation tool. It offers default reports for newcomers, but if you wish to create your own, customisation options are endless. You can add or delete charts in each report, change their order, and edit all filters and display settings in each of them.

Can I set up an alert notification based on the insight engine?

Alert notifications are highly customisable: triggers, thresholds and several filters can all be set for them, as well as different display options.

Do you have documentation for the Data API?

Yes, with the help of its detailed documentation, our Data API’s endpoint structure allows access to all platform data.

How can I see the original source of the mention?

The mention feed displays the source and the exact link of each individual mention. You can click on it to be directly taken to that specific article, social media post or comment.

How can I set a query or a search phrase?

Our engine searches the web based on keywords. These don’t only contain one word but several phrases and synonyms, or even terms that need to be excluded. Our Account Managers and Analysts will be happy to help you set these up.

How do you calculate a brand’s Web Opinion Index?

We aggregate all individual opinion index scores of the given brand’s mentions, which generates our unique reputation KPI, the Web Opinion Index. It can be calculated for any selected period of time. You can imagine it as an indicator of online reputation for a brand or topic.

How is the Data API different from the platform data?

Through our Data API, you simply channel the NMI platform’s data into your own platform or dashboard. This means you can oversee all your data in Power BI, Tableau, Oracle Analytics or any other platform of your choice.

How is the opinion index of a mention calculated?

Our technology recognises the positive or negative sentiment in each phrase of any collected mention with human-level precision. The phrases are scored between +3 and -3 and then these scores are aggregated, resulting in the final opinion index of the mention.

How quickly can a monthly PPT expert analysis be created?

A monthly expert analysis usually takes 3-5 days to deliver, including keyword setup, data collection and analysis of the results. Depending on the number of keywords and the time period we need to analyse, delivery of results may take somewhat longer.

How quickly does Neticle Media Intelligence find a new mention?

Newly added social and news mentions appear in our search within approximately ten to thirty minutes. We have a historical database as well going back years, which you’ll gain access to once you start using Neticle Media Intelligence.

Is Neticle Media Intelligence able to analyse all languages with human-level precision?

Yes, our text analysis has human-level precision in all languages that we are currently available in. The algorithm runs real-time and without need for intervention.

Is the Data API data real-time?

Yes, the Data API lets you integrate real-time data and even sentiment based social and online media KPIs into your own platform.

Is the language algorithm learning constantly?

Thanks to our own text analysis and natural language processing technology, our language algorithm is constantly evolving, learning new phrases, slang and entities from the internet.

What countries are covered?

As of August 2022, content collection and analysis is available in:


  • Albania
  • Austria
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czechia
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Indonesia
  • Moldova
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America


Our algorithm can learn a new language within 8 weeks when necessary.

What sources does Neticle Media Intelligence monitor?

Neticle Media Intelligence monitors every corner of the web, such as news sites, blogs, forums and app reviews, and the majority of social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube.

Only publicly available posts are collected from all of the aforementioned sources. The list of monitored portals is unique to each country and is updated regularly.

If your admin gives us access, we can also monitor your Google Maps location reviews.

Book a demo

Reading about Neticle Media Intelligence is one thing, but we know that the proof is always in the pudding. Book a demo and one of our Insights Managers will contact you as soon as possible. Take the first step towards data-driven decision-making!

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Photo of Péter Szekeres

Péter Szekeres

Co-founder & CEO +36 70 701 6488

41 Leonardo da Vinci street ground floor
Budapest Hungary H-1082

Registered seat:
H-1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 28. fszt. 2

Neticle Logo

Company Details

Neticle Plc.
Billing address: H-1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 28. fszt. 2
VAT number: 28996752-2-41
EU VAT number: HU28996752


Bank details:
Owner of the bank account: Neticle Plc.

Account-keeping bank: Erste Bank Hungary Zrt
EUR IBAN: HU73116000060000000199423437
HUF IBAN: HU46116000060000000199423341