Take Social Listening to the Next Level

One of the greatest instruments in the hands of a marketing professional, business developer, or analyst is a social listening tool, but, as you might already know, not all social listening tools are made equal. At Neticle, we’ve been enhancing our Media Intelligence platform for over a decade, and have always sought to provide the most meaningful insights and the highest coverage possible. Neticle Media Intelligence will go the extra mile where other tools won’t - read on to see how you can benefit from it.

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Searching every nook and cranny in the country

  • Our geography based search allows for a regional understanding of your brand reputation: you’ll know exactly where each mention came from, and results will be summarized on a country level.
  • Thanks to the country level analysis, results are comparable: you can create benchmarks, unique evaluations, and share knowledge across different branches of your company.
  • You will see all results in a unified way in the same platform: each of our customizable charts can display the individual countries side by side.
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map of available countries
Social Listening for Advanced Users

No translations: our algorithm speaks your language

  • Many social listening platforms first translate text into English, and then perform analysis on that. Neticle Media Intelligence does native language analytics in each case.
  • Neticle’s proprietary algorithm is beyond all text analysis, and it can perform detailed sentiment analytics, too. It helps evaluate your campaign on a whole other level when you’re not only aware of how much or what has been said about it, but the tone and the emotions attached to each topic are also revealed.
  • Each language has its own special structure and eccentricities, and the algorithm understands them all.
  • The algorithm can learn a new language within 8 weeks, but it doesn’t stop there: the system keeps learning and improving continuously as it collects fresh online content for analysis.
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Everything covered from A to Z

  • For each of the 29 countries that Neticle Media Intelligence covers, our experts have taken the time to map out local online media sources one by one - such as important forums, blogs, news sites and socials. But that’s not all, as offline sources, like tv, radio and print papers can all be integrated. Never miss a mention of your brand’s name!
  • We even have extra features for Facebook: with permission from administrators, we can monitor Facebook Groups and Messenger conversations, which is super insightful if your company keeps in touch with customers through these channels.
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share of mentions
Social Listening integrations

Fits smoothly with your own systems

  • The whole platform can be white-labeled according to your preferences, so you’ll feel right at home using it.
  • A further step you can take is to integrate results from Neticle Media Intelligence with your own internal data platforms, using our other flagship product, Zurvey.io. In the meantime, read our alerts and enterprise newsletters delivered into your inbox - the contents are tailored to your needs.
  • Should you have questions about any of the features or insights, you’ll never have to feel neglected: our dedicated account managers are always there to help out. What is more, we are always open to discuss custom developments for features that make your day-to-day job significantly easier.
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Manage all your data in one place

  • One of social listening’s most important tasks is to evaluate your marketing efforts and quantify results. Once you start receiving our insights, ROI calculation will be made straightforward and you won’t understand how you managed to work without it.
  • We know that there are usually multiple departments within a company for whom social listening insights are relevant, or crucial even. That’s why our system is accessible to multiple users, in fact, it is possible to create an insights pool where everyone can find what they’re looking for.
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social listening charts

There is always more...

Do you need more info on how social listening works in real life? Our dedicated consultants can show you the details in a live demo, where you can ask any remaining questions and be assured that you’re making the right choice with implementing social listening.

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Vodafone Hungary

“Neticle Media Intelligence shows us what the web thinks about our brand, our services, our competitors and our industry. Using Neticle we got to hear the feedback from our customers in their voice, and it allows us to see the highest priority areas for improvement in real-time.”

Ágnes Gyetvai Social Media Manager


“Neticle has a user-friendly interface, and the staff members are always ready to help with anything. Without a doubt, I give Neticle and the team a score of 10/10. Honestly, I would happily recommend both the team and the tool to anybody.”

Adrienn Orosz External Communication Specialist


“Great support for individual solutions and requirements. Highly accurate sentiment 
and categorization tools deliver new insights of the state of public opinion on the brand.”

Niklas Wiesauer Managing Director, Innovation & Strategy

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Reading about Neticle Media Intelligence is one thing, but we know that the proof is always in the pudding. Book a demo and one of our Insights Managers will contact you as soon as possible. Take the first step towards data-driven decision-making!

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Photo of Péter Szekeres

Péter Szekeres

Co-founder & CEO peter.szekeres@neticle.com +36 70 701 6488

41 Leonardo da Vinci street ground floor
Budapest Hungary H-1082

Registered seat:
H-1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 28. fszt. 2

Neticle Logo

Company Details

Neticle Plc.
Billing address: H-1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 28. fszt. 2
VAT number: 28996752-2-41
EU VAT number: HU28996752


Bank details:
Owner of the bank account: Neticle Plc.

Account-keeping bank: Erste Bank Hungary Zrt
EUR IBAN: HU73116000060000000199423437
HUF IBAN: HU46116000060000000199423341