Do this is if you need to know every last detail about your reputation

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Offline media monitoring can give you the edge if you work in the mainstream, or if you absolutely cannot allow a crisis to get out of hand.

Did you know that through Neticle’s social listening service, you can also monitor offline media sources? Printed newspapers, TV and radio – we can cover it all for you, when every last bit of publicity matters. It’s also delivered super quickly: when you inquire about offline media sources, the results could be in your hands by the next day. You will see the results in our system integrated with your online data.


Lots of businesses can benefit from offline media monitoring, but there are a number of cases when it is extra helpful. We have collected them here to help you in your decision-making.


Monitoring your communication campaigns

Do you work in the PR & Communications department of an enterprise? If you run campaigns that air on TV and the radio, and appear in print, you will need offline monitoring to truly understand the impact of your work. This will also help you to compare offline and online channels, and to understand how your messages circulate in the media. We often see that certain campaigns or press releases organically spread from the offline world into online news, and then on to social channels. If these routes are uncovered, you’ll know much better how to target your next campaign.



Interacting with the general public

Are your messages or products meant for a wider audience? If you operate in the mainstream, it is very likely that offline media is involved in your work, so you cannot risk missing out on what’s being said about your brand or client there. This is why offline media monitoring is frequently used by FMCG brands, agencies, and even political parties. The wider the public and the larger the company, the more benefit it provides.

Local targeting

If you operate only in a certain region of a country, the local papers often hold the key to reaching your audience. We see this time and time again especially in Hungary, but we can monitor offline media in all countries where Neticle’s services are available.




Containing any crisis

Offline media also plays a huge role in times of crisis: large scandals frequently begin with broadcasts on TV, and in such cases, online media only reacts to these later. So to ensure that your crisis communication is top notch in case something happens, offline monitoring can mean all the difference between containing the situation and it getting totally out of hand.


Do you have more questions about our offline media monitoring service? Get in touch with our team or ask for a free demo to get started.


Click here for your free demo!



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Photo of Péter Szekeres

Péter Szekeres

Co-founder & CEO +36 70 701 6488

41 Leonardo da Vinci street ground floor
Budapest Hungary H-1082

Registered seat:
H-1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 28. fszt. 2

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Neticle Plc.
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VAT number: 28996752-2-41
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Owner of the bank account: Neticle Plc.

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